VOLUNTEERING – A Win-Win Opportunity

The Lansing Latino Health Alliance (LLHA) was founded in 2003 as a volunteer organization under the principle that the volunteer model is a proven, effective one. This model can engender and sustain beliefand commitment among its members to help implement an organization’s mission:

In the case of LLHA, that mission is to advocate for equal access to healthcare, health resources, andinformed participation in one’s own health decisions. Its Board of Directors is a working Board made up ofcommunity members from diverse professional and non-professional walks of life. The success of LLHAhas emerged from these committed, dedicated individuals for more than two decades.

All LLHA directors, officers and members participate in this non-profit organization on a volunteer basis,and LLHA welcomes people who wish to become a part of the LLHA team, its challenges and successes.Join us at LLHA: Everyone wins! Values of the experience of serving as a volunteer have been well summarized in this statement: "Thereis nothing quite as humbling and rewarding as seeing your hard work transform the lives of many. Oneway to accomplish this is by volunteering at non-profit organizations in your local community. By bringing volunteerism and activism to a local level, you can see the type of impact, positive effect and change that your time is providing.” https://www.all4kids.org/news/blog/volunteering-at-a-nonprofit/

A few specific win-win benefits associated with the volunteer experience include:

Everyone wins!!
The Organization!
YOU, The Volunteer!
The Community!